
Experience Design is a module where students learn how to develop experiences utilizing physical spaces and tools. The experiences in this showcase were developed during the course of this module in AY2021/2022 Semester 1.

My Role

Programmer, mainly responsible for features such as:

  • Experience mechanics
  • User Interface
  • Tech integration & implementation
  • and Experience design


August 30, 2021 - December 7, 2021

Project Team

Koh Lewis
Deklin Versace
Rui Xi
Leslie Jing
Noah Kankanala


DMX Lights

Echoes of the Mad Musician

This experience is a cooperative game, where players need to work together to escape a haunted theater. It takes place in a CAVE, with 3 displays surrounding the player. It also utilizes a Motion Floor, which tilts as the players move in the game.

Throughout the experience, players will need to cooperatively repeat patterns given to them at checkpoints throughout the theater. Each player has access to 2 parts, and will need to coordinate with each other so that the pattern is replicated correctly. To help them with this, we utilize colour to help differentiate between the patterns, in addition to the distinct sounds that play for each part. The checkpoint will emit light along with the sound pattern, and the players will emit a similar light when playing their part. The players' light is emitted in a pretty interesting way: the theater is flooded, so we throw out the light as a wave out from the player, as if it was a ripple on the water.

The Curse

In this experience, two players are working cooperatively in separate parts of the experience to prevent a curse from befalling them. The players have access to different tools and information, and must communicate with each other effectively to solve the puzzles and satiate the curse. The game plays similarly to an escape room, with players sharing information back and forth between each other to try and solve 4 riddles. Players are at their own stations, so they each must do their part which they can accomplish, while conveying information that only the other player can achieve. The game makes use of Phidgets to have interesting interaction points, such as touching different parts of the exhibit with hands, magnets, and NFCs; flipping a variety of switches; and completing a circuit with the player's body.

Artistic Lighting

This experience use DMX lights to provide visuals to accompany an audio piece of work. The lights are synced up with beats in the music, together creating an engaging and immersive show. The lights are set up all around the viewer, so that they are surrounded and have a full spatial experience.